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What time does the Emerging Analytical Professionals conference start?EAP2024 is scheduled to start on Friday 10th May, 2024. Registration desk will be open from 4pm.
What time does the Emerging Analytical Professionals conference end?EAP2024 at Leeds is scheduled to end by 4pm at the latest on Sunday 12th May.
If my oral abstract isn’t accepted, will I be offered a poster presentation?Yes, it is likely that you will be offered to do a poster presentation in case your abstract did not get chosen for an oral presentation at an EAP conference.
When do I need to check out?Please ensure to check out on Sunday morning before the conference sessions begin. There will be a secure room available to store your luggage until the end of the conference.
Where can I provide feedback for the conference?You can share you feedback here.
Who can apply for the bursary?Anybody can apply for our bursary. However, it is only applicable to our Emerging Analytical Professionals conference held annually.
How do I apply for your bursary?Please click here to access the bursary form. When you submit your application, you must include your abstract. This submits your abstract for consideration for an oral or poster presentation at the conference. You may wait until you find out whether your bursary application is successful before registering (this should be soon after oral registration is closed). As long as you applied for a bursary before the registration deadline, your abstract will be considered. However, you must ensure to register after bursary results are announced, should you wish to attend. Your place is not held until you do so. If you no longer wish to attend, please do not register and contact us. Alternatively, you may register before finding out the result of your bursary application.
What if my bursary application is unsucessful?In our Resources page, we have highlighted some potential alternative sources of funding for you. If you no longer wish to attend EAP, please contact us.
When do I register?You may register before submitting your bursary application. However, you may wait until you have found out if your application was sucessful. Your abstract will be submitted for consideration as long as your bursary application was before the oral registration deadline. You must then register to attend, your place is not held unless you do so.
What does the bursary include/cover?The bursary covers your registration fees, on-site accommodation and meals throughout the weekend and conference attendance. Please note, bursary does not cover your travel expenses.
When should I pay?After you have registered, you may pay at any time before mid-April. However, please consider paying as soon as you can, your place at EAP cannot be reserved until you do so! Invited speakers and successful bursary applicants do not need to fill out the payment form.
What events do you run during the year?Annually we hold a 3-day conference, Emerging Analytical Professionals (EAP), and a 1-day Bright Spark Symposium. Our last EAP 2023 was held at Bristol and BSS 2023 was held at University of Liverpool. Visit our events page to view highlights. Our next 3-day conference, EAP 2024 will be held at Thorpe Park Hotel & Spa, Leeds.
What does the registration price include?The registration price for EAP conference includes event registration fees, on-site hotel accommodation and meals throughout the weekend and conference attendance. Please note it does not include travel costs.
Do you have a biography example?Please visit our Committee members page to view profiles of analytical scientists from various career stages and scientific backgrounds.
Do I need to fill out both the registration and bursary application if applying for a bursary?When applying for bursary application, you only need to complete the bursary application form. You do not need to complete the general registration form. However, if you do not wish to opt for bursary or the deadline has passed, you must complete the general registration form. If you have been invited to speak at an EAP conference, you need to complete a general registration form once you have confirmed your attendance with the committee.
What counts as 'analytical science'?Typically, analytical science involves studies looking at the identification, measurement, quantification, and separation of chemical compounds in various substances. It leverages techniques such as spectroscopy, chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electrochemistry gain valuable information about their composition. The applications of these techniques are broad both academically and in industries such as pharmaceuticals, environmental monitoring, food safety, and forensic science. However, if you feel your science is worth sharing within our network, please feel free to email us or submit an abstract for our next event!
How can I join the committee?We would love to have you on board, all you do is drop us a line here
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